We hope you find it easy to use.  While this is the first roll out, “bare bones” keep tuned in for updated features throughout the coming months. 

Why you ask this update at this time?  Shortly after the election, we were contacted by George Snell, the webmaster, that he wanted to step down from that responsibility, essentially retiring.  George has been the webmaster since 2005, doing a wonderful and thankless job for the Region.  We would like to take this opportunity to extend a great big THANK-YOU to George for his time and service.  This, by no means, is an easy job.  Thanks again George!

Building a totally, new Website has been a long and tedious process starting in October, and still continuing with this roll-out.  George has been there every step of the way with help and encouragement. 

We hope you like it. 

Crystal Wood

Paula Noble, RD